Expert | Warming Profiles

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Going in-depth!

Inge van Roovert and her team are unravelling step-by-step what happens in the egg during the incubation process. One of their aims is to further refine the warming profiles used to warm the eggs. Gradual is the magic word in this process - that much is clear.

‘Getting chicks off to an even better start’

Inge van Roovert

“I am convinced that in the near future we will start to learn much more about the processes that play a role in egg incubation. We will be able to use that knowledge to improve the quality of the embryos and to get the hatchlings off to an even better start in life. HatchTech is at the forefront of this research, making step-by-step progress towards better technical and financial results.”


Related research:

Effect of the Warming Profile at the Start of Incubation on Hatchability and Chick Quality in Short Stored Eggs  

Influence of Egg Storage Duration and Preincubation Warming Profile on Embryonic Development, Hatchability, and Chick Quality  

Interview with the head of HatchTech's Research department: Dr. Inge van Roovert; about the significantly improved results thanks to the use of warming profiles.

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