Facts & Figures Fusce est leo, convallis non placerat at.
12 to 18 hours
it should take to increase eggshell temperature from 29°C to 37.8°C
12 to 18 hours it should take to increase eggshell temperature from 29°C to 37.8°C
The time used to warm eggs from the storage temperature to the optimal eggshell temperature of 37.8°C at the start of incubation is often dependent on planning issues such as; the moment eggs arrive and whether the setter is clean and available. Due to a lack of time, too often the setter is started with a quick start: warming eggs as fast as possible to prevent that chicks hatch too late 21 days later.
However, HatchTech Research team has shown that with a fast warming process hatchability and chick quality are negatively affected. They showed that the especially the part of the warming process in which temperature increases between 29°C and 37.8°C is crucial. A slow warming period (between 12 and 18 hours) for this phase improves hatchability and chick quality in short and long stored eggs.
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12/13 DECEMBER 2015
Fusce est leo
Convallis non placerat at, mollis nec mi. Mauris pellentesque scelerisque libero, vitae viverra dolor pretium a. Vestibulum elementum dui vel lectus dapibus mattis. Sed convallis venenatis odio nec lacinia.
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12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac nibh sem.
12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac nibh sem. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris consectetur, leo iaculis consectetur eleifend, nibh tellus suscipit nunc, ac pharetra purus ipsum at mauris. Nam viverra, risus porta pellentesque blandit, eros augue finibus nibh, in vulputate nibh mauris id ligula. Mauris elit erat, posuere sed pellentesque eu, placerat et augue. Nunc efficitur efficitur risus eget ornare. Integer et volutpat nibh, eu lobortis sapien. Sed efficitur tristique ullamcorper. Suspendisse nec leo eget massa mollis auctor. Curabitur sollicitudin tempus sapien, nec bibendum dolor interdum sit amet. Phasellus vitae euismod urna, nec lobortis nibh.