Innovatec Hatchery Automation | HatchCare automation

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CLEANchick Technology

The CLEANchick™ candling principle is based on non-contact detection of live embryos with unmatched accuracy. In combination with the CLEANchick™ Dual candling technology, clear eggs can also be candled. It can be used for hatching eggs starting from day 16.

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Innovatec Hatchery Automation, contributing to healhty chicks

Innovatec has developed HatchCare dedicated equipment which is executed according to the Innovatec Total Concept. The concept is acknowledged by many satisfied customers and has convinced OptiBrut GmbH to invest in Innovatec technology. Each equipment part has four main distinguishing features:

More about Innovatec Hatchery Automation and the opening of Optibrut 

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