How do I provide optimum post-hatch development conditions for my day-old chicks?
HatchBrood – Brooding Control
In traditional broiler houses, it is difficult to uniformly control the crucial environmental variables. HatchBrood is designed to uniformly provide the optimal environment for all chicks and ducklings during the first days of life, ensuring that the chicks maintain a uniform and optimum body temperature. The result is a lower mortality rate and improved chick development.
‘Improved performance on the farms’
“By giving day-old chicks an optimal start in HatchBrood, we’re able to deliver birds that show improved performance on the farms. The system also allows us to reduce the cycle-time in our farms, enabling us to increase the number of cycles per year.”
Engr. Mohamed Rabea, Hatcheries Department Manager - Al-Watania Poultry
‘Easy product’
“We have decided to purchase HatchBrood as this system will help us to overcome the difficult brooding period. In our extreme climate where it can be very cold and very hot, it is good to have a ‘easy product’ that will guarantee the chick temperature for the first four days.”
Mrs. Svetlana Nekrashevish, Director - COOO Vitkon Produkt
‘An optimum start’
“We want to give our chicks an optimum start, so they will benefit during the rest of their lives. We aim to distinguish ourselves in terms of chick quality. After following HatchBrood for two years, we’re certain that this is the best way to do it.”
Mr. Brahim Abroug, Deputy General Manager - Savinord, Societé Avicola du Nord
‘Increase the number of annual cycles'
“We have chosen the HatchBrood system to ensure that our ducklings will be given an optimal start. This enables us to deliver a more developed and robust duckling to our growers. Besides easier management and better performance, HatchBrood will also increase the number of annual cycles and reduce heating costs.”
Mr. Bao-Qi Xu, President - Rongda Shandong Agricultural Development
With HatchBrood, the conditions in the first four days of brooding are consistent, which improves the predictability of the final field results. Generally, one more flock per year can be placed in the HatchBrood unit than in a traditional broiler house, lowering the cost for housing per chick in your total operation.
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