Customer insight | Bell&Evans

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Bell & Evans,
First HatchCare hatchery in the USA

In May of this year Bell & Evans celebrated the grand opening of their new hatchery. It’s now time to have a look at the results so far.
The greenfield hatchery was completely manufactured by HatchTech in partnership with Viscon, who were responsible for the automation. The hatchery has a production capacity of 78,000,000 day-old chicks a year.



The company

Bell & Evans is a family-owned and operated company located in Fredericksburg, PA. It is the largest grower and processor of chickens raised with zero antibiotics in the USA and has a USDA certified organic program. 


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Scott Sechler, President Bell&Evans:

“This is the way to take care of a chicken that just hatched”


“Our customers have our brand at such a high level, we have to work really hard every day to live up to the image that we have with our brand. So the whole HatchTech HatchCare system now is another supporter of our brand”


Curious about the whole story? Bell&Evans will speak at the HatchTech Breakfast Meeting IPPE.

Save the date, 31 January 2018 in Atlanta

Register for free, click here 


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Les Fisher, VP live operations Bell&Evans:

“With HatchTech and HatchCare we don’t have to be as concerned with our hatch window. The gain is a better quality check, a better start, just better overall health throughout the flock.”


“ The results are better than I expected. We have to readjust our projections on hatchability, and so we have the proper placement at the farms.” 




More about HatchCare 

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Bell & Evans, First HatchCare hatchery in the USA In May of this year Bell & Evans celebrated the grand opening of their new hatchery

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