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Maximized setter performance

Houses 4,725 eggs per m²!

 In order to achieve superior chick quality, it’s important to keep the embryo at an optimum temperature. To achieve this, the air flow and air velocity around the eggs needs to be fully controlled. Our 88 Setter Trays and Trolleys are designed to do just that. We have combined our patented technology with maximum production efficiency, making it possible to house 4,725 eggs per m².


Our 88 Setter Tray makes it possible to maximize all-round performance. Each tray has a very high egg/m² capacity and is specially designed to deliver ideal airflow to every single egg.

individual motor

Flawless Egg Turning

HatchTech has designed a trolley that supports optimal incubation processes. Individual motors make it possible to fine-tune turning frequency and sequence as desired.

Individual motors: our standard

Manual inspection of the turning process is an intensive task for hatchery managers. With the 88 Setter Trolley this manual inspection is no longer necessary because all of the individual motors are being monitored automatically.

Field issues with non-HatchTech equipment 

Product information about HatchTech's hatchery equipment, the 88 Setter Tray and 88 Setter Trolley.

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