Tips & Chicks | Early feeding

Hatchtech - juli 2017 COPY








Higher predictability with lower effort 

What are the key points to consider for hatchery managers switching to HatchCare?
The market demand for HatchCare chicks is rising and more managers are switching to a hatchery system where early feeding is provided to newly hatched chicks. But what are the challenges of changing to the early feeding system?  The focus in a HatchCare hatchery is similar to hatcheries without early feeding. According to our hatchery coach, the approach taken to managing a hatchery with or without early feeding should be the same. Our coach uses a triangle of technology, people and egg quality. These are the key points every manager should focus on.  
Question; What do these key points mean for you? 

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What can be learned?

HatchTech offers a range of services to coach your staff and to ensure that you get the very best out of your hatchery, and the highest returns on your investments. For more information watch our video  or please contact us at:

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Tips&Chicks early feeding

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